Twisted yarn and aqueous visons

Alpaca blues

Recently finished a new toque. Revisited negotiations with the cable stitch. I’m considering gifting this here toque to a predestined noggin. It will be a surprise. One hint, it’s going to go to a blue eyed lady. I have used an Estelle yarn from Peru, Ultra Wool 50% wool/50% superfine alpaca. In Ocean.

Sprinting with Noro and Java

I’m in Ictus

Evanescent Manoeuvrings on size 8 needles


Just putting it out there that there’s been a humdinger’ of a K1, YO, K2 happening  over here! Knitters spend a lot of time having love affairs with wool. The options are unremitting when surveying the myriad of kaleidoscopic yarns in the inner sanctum the Wool Shrine (aka your friendly neighborhood Wool  Repository). “Feel me! Buy me! Try me!” So much wool, so little time. Well the day job chomps its way into prime time knitting hours however there’s always nightfall, which in Winter-peg is currently 5:13 p.m. This is when yarn binging  generally occurs. These days I’m in ictus. In a transient state – as I am  memorized by a Noro yarn and can’t stop myself from recklessly knitting up a little sumptin’ sumptin’ .  I recently   discovered the “fagot stitch”. No guff this is what it’s called and frankly, fagoting can  rouse zeal in a knitter. There’s a beautiful rhythm to this stitch, primarily from the point of view of the continental knitter. I’m a speed daemon. I love it and quite frankly I’m hooked. I recommend a cupla’ mugs of Kick Ass Coffee to jolt you into high gear!

Shown here: Noro Yarn, Made in Japan, Chirimen:  60% Cotton/24% Silk /16 % Wool

Cablegram cablegram

Hot off the knitting needles

“A cable-knit piece of fabric
Cable knitting is a style of knitting in which the order of stitches is permuted.” ~from Wikipedia.

That being said permuting ain’t easy.  Well it gets easier after you do it 30 or 200 times.

This here’s a scarf I made for my sister Erika. She hasn’t seen it yet but I’m thinking she’s going to get hooked on the these memorizing cables. The wool is a terrific sea blue.  Aqua, actually. It is made from Ultra Wool from Peru – 50% wool / 50% Superfine Alpaca. Although a time consumer it was a pleasure knitting this item.