Floccus schemes vs. leisure antics

Interludes and knitting

It’s an unvarnished fact that I am known to dither. Before embarking on a project I gauge all my options. There’s decisions aplenty to make in the beginning stages of knitting.  I have no problem getting down to the gist or the nitty-gritty of a project, however the gamut between choices, options and obligations is a complicated path. Time management is at the core of all organized people. Perpetually reinventing myself as über-multitudinous is my long sought grail. The wool and project stash is a constant reminder to keep going with this dream.

It’s a long weekend in Winnipeg and exclamations of Amen and alleluia! bellow far and wide. Monday is Louis Riel Day which translated means: I have a full day to kindle my knitting mojo. Meanwhile I’m looking forward to taking an  interlude at the Festival du Voyaguer which launched this weekend. Last night I went skating on the river trail but nary a fellow voyager could be seen. It was frightfully cold but my assorted sheaths of merino shrouded me from the harsh, churlish winds. Despite the ice having uneven sections, I found myself soothed by the rasping sound of metal on ice, and the steady, lilting motion of skating. It quickly registered that this workout took all the ruffles out of my blustery week.

As for Floccus schemes… I can’t decide (again options) which project to woo:
1. Silk sleeves from One Skein Wonders by Leigh Radford. Using the recommended Rowan KidSilk yarn 70% Kidsilk Mohair/30% silk.
2. As well I am trying a sock pattern using Austermann Yarn 75% Virgin wool/25% polymid.
The heat is on. These knitting projects need to get polished off. A juggling act to be sure, striking an equilibrium between frolicking and knitting will be a delicate achievement. Blogging compels accountability.